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bed & breakfast
Quadrilocale Stradella Dei Munari, Centro Storico, Vicenza #finsubito prestito immediato

Elegant penthouse within building in historic city center located in the pulsing heart of Vicenza’s historic center, with breathtaking views of the Bacchiglione River.
This apartment combines timeless city charm with modern conveniences, offering a unique and engaging living experience.

Upon entering, you will be greeted by a spacious and bright living room, enhanced by large windows that frame the river view, creating a serene and relaxing atmosphere. The fireplace, positioned to warm the room in winter, adds a touch of elegance and comfort, perfect for evenings with family or friends.
The modern, fully equipped kitchen features contemporary cabinetry and a large work area, ideal for those who love to cook. The three bedrooms are spacious and well-lit, each designed to offer maximum comfort and privacy. The two elegantly designed bathrooms are equipped with all the amenities needed for daily well-being.

The apartment also includes a private garage, a rarity in the historic center, providing security and convenience. In addition, the building has an elevator, which facilitates access to all units, making this home perfect for all ages.

One of the highlights of this property is the private terrace, an ideal place to relax outdoors, enjoying the river views and tranquility that this corner of Vicenza has to offer.
But what really makes this property special is its location. Located in the heart of the historic center, the apartment allows you to live immersed in Vicenza’s rich culture and vibrant city life. Within walking distance of your front door, you can enjoy a wide range of exclusive stores, gourmet restaurants and trendy clubs. The convenience of having everything at your fingertips makes this apartment ideal for those who want to live the full Italian experience.

This apartment represents a unique opportunity to live in a place that combines history, culture and modernity. The ability to explore the city on foot, discovering new nooks and secrets every day, adds invaluable value to daily life.
Living here means immersing yourself in the beauty and history of the city, without sacrificing the conveniences and convenience of modern life.

Close to the beginning of the ZTL, this solution is ideal for those who want to experience the city’s historic center in a cozy and refined environment.

In fact, the location in the historic heart of Vicenza represents the best way to enjoy already from outside the front door, all the pleasures of the sparkling city life, starting in the morning with a good cappuccino at the bar, and ending the evening sipping fine wines in the city’s most fashionable clubs.

Finanziamo strutture per affitti brevi

Gestiamo strutture per affitto breve

The Ederle and Del Din barracks are both less than 10 minutes away by car or in warm weather by a pleasant bicycle ride of less than 15 minutes, being just over 3 km away.

Apartment arranged on two levels
A.C. on both floors
Single garage in the basement

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Finanziamo strutture per affitti brevi

Gestiamo strutture per affitto breve


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