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Gorden Tallis blasts critics after Brisbane Broncos sack Kevin Walters, who will replace Walters, Michael Maguire, Dave Donaghy, rugby league news #adessonews

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Gorden Tallis has fiercely defended Kevin Walters, as well as himself, following Walters’ shock sacking by the Broncos which one pundit labelled a “witch-hunt and hatchet job”.

Walters was given his marching orders on Thursday, with CEO Dave Donaghy providing input into the decision the following day, with Blues coach Michael Maguire reportedly the No. 1 target for the now vacant coaching position.

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Throughout the season, NRL360 co-host Tallis has defended his former Broncos teammate Walters, believing he’s the right man for the job.

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However, the steadfast defence of Walters this season from Tallis and several former Brisbane players has led to criticism, which centred on the Broncos ‘old boys’ as trying to protect one of their own.

On Sunday, Tallis lashed out at that criticism on Triple M.

“I’m going to call BS on everyone who says old boys. I’ve got a job in the media. I’m not an old boy. I work at the Titans… I’m paid for my opinion and that’s what I give,” Tallis said.

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“When I said Tim Sheens should have been sacked at the West Tigers, no one said anything. When I said Robbo needs to win a grand final, no one said anything. But because it’s the Broncos and I say something, or Wayne Bennett, they say old boys. It’s got nothing to do with it. It actually has nothing to do with it. It’s just me talking about a situation in the game that I love. I’m not a Bronco. I haven’t been a Bronco for 20 years.”

Tallis also spoke about his initial reaction to the Walters news, saying he was “shocked”, while also revealing he never believed Walters was ever supported fully at the Broncos.

“My first reaction, I was shocked. I was sitting at the airport, we finished 360, and I’m there and then my phone lit up and it lit up (with) like 20 (texts) ‘Is it true? Is it true?’” Tallis said.

“So I rang and spoke to Kevvie and he was like, ‘Yeah mate, it’s true’… he seemed to be in a really good headspace and then the next day, myself and my wife went and had lunch on the Friday and then I popped around his place and I think it’s a weight lifted off his shoulders.

“I don’t think he ever felt like he got the support that he wanted. From day one, he had to go buy his own shirt to do his own press conference. I felt like he was doing it all alone.

“But he said he’s really proud that he got to captain the club, so proud that he was three minutes away of winning one as a coach, and that was his dream.”

It has been reported by The Courier Mail that Walters was sacked following an end-of-season review from the Broncos. spearheaded by Donaghy and chairman Karl Morris.

The Broncos released a statement which claimed it was Walters’ decision to quit the club.

BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA – SEPTEMBER 27: Sacked coach Kevin Walters and CEO Dave Donaghy speak to the media during a Brisbane Broncos NRL press conference at Clive Berghofer Field on September 27, 2024 in Brisbane, Australia. (Photo by Bradley Kanaris/Getty Images)Source: Getty Images

Fox League’s James Hooper said that he doesn’t like the way it’s been handled from the Broncos, believing Walters has been betrayed, while doubting whether a “review” actually took place.

“I think it’s been a witch-hunt and a hatchet job that’s been six to eight weeks in the making. I don’t think anybody’s buying the fairytale that they just all of a sudden did a review last week and then the conclusion was reached on Wednesday where they decided to part ways with Kevin,” Hooper said on Triple M.

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“The Broncos chairman, Karl Morris, has been openly telling people that Kevin was in all likelihood going to be sacked for the last couple of months. I don’t like the way that it’s been handled. I don’t like the way that Kevvie was forced in front of the cameras on Thursday, and I thought Dave Donaghy came across as insincere.

“He’s just knifed the bloke and yet he’s then going to stand there and pretend that he’s going to support him. I think it left a bad taste in a lot of people’s mouths.

“The review is clearly just a facade. They had already made this decision. I think it’s Karl Morris, who’s the chairman. I think it’s Dave Donaghy, who’s the CEO. They’ve clearly done a lot of background due diligence, they’re in there every day, and they had made the decision then.

“They’ve just gone through the process of the review to tick all the boxes and make sure that everything looks as though it’s got a bow on it, but I think it’s actually come across as the opposite.”

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Tallis then doubled down with a lashing of his former club.

“I’ve rang some real powerful guys in our game to talk about reviews and guys that have done reviews at clubs and all that, and basically they say it’s a coward’s way because the CEO and the chairman don’t want to make the decision,” Tallis said.

“But is it (the review) on the whole club? Is it on the CEO? Is it on the recruitment? Is it on the board whether they’re making the right decision? That’s a proper review, not just on the coach… if it keeps on being the coaches, they’re going to sack this next coach, which is Madge by the way, because they were talking to him in August.

“Something needs to change at the organisation.”

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