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Zahara Temara talks about how the game has changed, next step, expansion, longer seasons #adessonews

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Playing the most games of any player in NRLW history alongside Ali Brigginshaw, Raiders playmaker Zahara Temara is as well placed as anyone to see how the women’s game has evolved, and where it is heading.

Becoming the first NRLW player to notch up the milestone of 200 career points after her last round win with Canberra, Temara has witnessed first-hand the progress, and new challenges, within women’s rugby league as the competition grows.

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“It’s so much faster now than when I started,” she said.

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“This year, everyone seems stronger. The preparation and preseasons (I think for all clubs) have also completely changed. They were once only a couple of weeks. They are now months long.

“You have to be fitter now than earlier in the competition’s history, and if you don’t put in the work, you are left behind. The ruck is faster, you need to be doing speed training, wrestle training, and fine tuning all areas of your game.”

A talking point for NRLW is the current length of the season and Temara’s coach at the Raiders, Darrin Borthwick, has mentioned this year that he believes the season should be longer. The Raiders star herself however, has mixed feelings on it for the moment.

“With the seasons still relatively short, everyone knows one slip up can mean missing the finals, so you have to be firing immediately. I would love the NRLW season to be longer from that point of view, but could I handle it being longer? Maybe not!” Temara laughed.

“It’s a hard one. I get worried around injuries and how that plays out. We have been lucky in past years around injuries, but there has been a few this year, and that could be a concern in a longer season. So while I’d love it to be longer, and I hope I’m still playing when it’s extended, I do have some worries around it at the moment.”

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The Raiders perhaps show more than any other team how unforgiving the current nine-round NRLW season can be, with narrow losses to the finals bound Sharks and 2023 premiers Newcastle sealing their fate despite promising signs to start the year.

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“The Titans were kind of the opposite of us last year, where they had a lot of close games, but won them, and those wins saw them almost claim a premiership,” she said.

“We have been on the other end – where the close losses really killed our season. Ultimately I am really disappointed this season with how I have individually gone as well. It has been a massive learning curve. It was so refreshing to get that win (in my 40th game against the Dragons) and end the year with a win to see those rewards after falling short so many times.

“There are things we will build upon from this season. I can’t wait for next year. I think I can be more consistent, fitter and stronger. I want to lead this team to something special.”

Temara believes Mackenzie Wiki, daughter of Raiders legend Ruben, has been one of those bright lights for the Green Machine.

“Mackenzie has really impressed in our side,” she said.

“Her mental toughness; I could notice it from the preseason straight away. She moves with confidence and her mindset is so strong. She has been awesome this year; her individual brilliance has kept us in games. Her future is bright”

Beyond aiming to lead the Raiders to the next level in 2025, Temara has an eye on the big picture. Like so many NRLW players, she balances a career outside footy, working as a Marketing and Creative assistant for team sponsor Parbery.

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“Our sponsors are really invested in our team which we love. The club definitely helped, but the sponsors themselves also got it going and opened up an opportunity for me,” she said.

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“I’m pretty lucky in this role, I’ve done lots of jobs – warehousing and all sorts. And earlier on in my NRLW career, I had to quit a job when I relocated as a player.

“You need to set yourself up for life after footy, but you need luck with your bosses and companies you work for while you are playing.”

Looking at the competition this season, the NRLW veteran believes the race towards premiership glory is wide open.

“This season has been a weird one,” she said.

“Every time you think a team has dropped off they find something. I think the Sharks have been awesome.

“Outside the top four, I have actually been really impressed with the Cowboys as a team that’s kind of emerged as a tough side. This year too, even players that are relatively unknown are exploding on to the scene.”

Born in New Zealand before making the move to Australia as a youngster, Temara is also excited for the return of the NZ Warriors to the NRLW next year.

“I was so disappointed when they left the comp,” she said.

“I think it’s massive they are returning. Even though I have never played for them, I love the Warriors, and I love New Zealand. I think women’s international rugby league had a drop when there was no Warriors team, and that was hard to see.

“It’s so important for our competition and the international competition in women’s rugby league for the warriors to have a team. I think they will be bloody strong too. Expect them to come out with a statement next year.”

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